Here's a message from Hanson from the Hanson-Islands records newsletter : Hey everybody, We really appreciate all the support you are giving us and our music. It means a lot -- we check out your online fan clubs, web rings and web sites all the time. You rock! We wanted to write you to let you know more about requesting music through radio stations online, and how sometimes, it can backfire. Our management has posted on this issue before. When stations get emails from all over the country, sometimes obvious spam, sometimes outright hostile, this can hurt any band's chance to get more airplay, not just Hanson. The only way these requests can be helpful is if they are written to your local station, the station you listen to regularly. So, when requesting our songs via the internet, please only request from the stations you know and love, and do so in a positive way. Also, please do not e-mail program directors directly, they get enough business e-mail as it is. Better yet, focus your activities on calling official request lines. We are told that calls remain the best way to request Hanson. Thanks -- and see you this summer on tour!!! Sincerely, Hanson
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